AccessHealth MA

Filed Under: LGBTQ+, Physical and Mental Health
Schrafft's Center
529 Main Street, Suite 301
Boston, ma 02129
Phone: 617-502-1700
Fax: 617-502-1703

The Houses of Correction Program covers medication costs for HIV-positive residents in Massachusetts county jails. Enrollment occurs by submitting an application that is filled out collaboratively by jail staff and clients. Jail staff then submit the application by fax or email. When clients are released, coverage in our program may continue with a call or email.

The PrEPDAP Program covers the cost of pre-exposure mediation for Massachusetts residents at risk of HIV infection. This program can cover the costs for residents released from jail. Applications for enrollment can be found online or by phone.

Service hours

Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Requirements & Restrictions

No cost to MA residents – Income must be below 500% of the Federal Poverty Line.

While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information for the agency descriptions and hours of operation, it is recommended to call the agency to verify the information before visiting.

Last updated February 2, 2023