Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)

Filed Under: Hotlines, Emergency Assistance, Domestic Violence, Physical and Mental Health, Support Groups

The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center provides free, confidential support and services to survivors of sexual violence ages 12 and up and their families and friends. They work with survivors of all genders from the immediate crisis after sexual violence to years and decades later, and their goal is to empower survivors to heal and seek justice in ways that are meaningful to them. They assist survivors as they navigate the health-care, criminal justice, social service, and school systems.

Services include the following:
*Hotline: by phone 24-7 at 800-841-8371 and webchat at
*24-7 Medical Advocacy
*Case Management (assistance with housing, health care, and more)
*Individual and Group Counseling
*Legal Advocacy, including immigration services

Services in English and Spanish, with other languages upon request.

Service hours

Hotline and medical advocacy: 24-7
Office hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Other Locations

Family Justice Center
989 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

Waltham Office:
24 Crescent Street, Suite 202
Waltham, MA 02453

Requirements & Restrictions

Anyone 12 years or older welcome.


Services in English and Spanish, with other languages upon request


While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information for the agency descriptions and hours of operation, it is recommended to call the agency to verify the information before visiting.

Last updated March 7, 2022