Cambridge Commission on the Status of Women (CCSW)

Filed Under: Women

As a department of the City of Cambridge, the Commission on the Status of Women (CCSW) works to promote equity for women and girls and advocates on their behalf with other City departments and officials, local organizations, and state government to increase their opportunities through policy recommendations, program development and public awareness in key issue areas identified by the Commission as significantly affecting women and girls.

The Cambridge Women’s Commission recognizes, supports, and advocates for all who self-identify as women or with womanhood, including transgender, gender fluid, and non-binary persons. CCSW stands with and for all women and girls regardless of immigration status, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability or religion.


COVID-19 update: Due to the pandemic, all city buildings remain closed to the public without an appointment.

Service hours

Mon: 8:30am - 8:00pm
Tues-Thurs: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Fri: 8:30am - 12:00pm

While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information for the agency descriptions and hours of operation, it is recommended to call the agency to verify the information before visiting.

Last updated November 10, 2020