EMERGE (Intimate Partner Abuse Education)

Filed Under: Domestic Violence
388 Pleasant Street
Suite 204
Malden, ma 02148
Main Office : 617-547-9879
Fax: 617-547-0904
Who to Contact
Intake staff

Emerge is a group counseling and education program for men and women who are abusive in intimate partner relationships. Emerge sees clients who have been abusive in heterosexual and same-sex relationships. All programs satisfy court/probation and DCF requirements.

Due to concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19, Emerge has moved ALL ongoing groups to a video platform.

Other Locations

Spanish groups are held at Curtis Hall Community Center, 20 South St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 and virtually.

Requirements & Restrictions

Group members must admit to having been physically, emotionally, verbally, economically, or sexually abusive to a partner in an intimate relationship for the Abuser Intervention Program. For the Anger Management Program, the incident(s) must be non-intimate partner related (e.g. involving coworkers, strangers, friends, or other family members).

The Abuser Program has a sliding fee scale, from $25-$75/week based on income. There is a community service option for members who are on probation and are unemployed. The Anger Management program fee is $40/week, plus a $25 orientation fee. There is no community service option for Anger Management. The parenting group is free.

English, Spanish for Abuser Education, Anger Management, and Fatherhood programs.


While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information for the agency descriptions and hours of operation, it is recommended to call the agency to verify the information before visiting.

Last updated November 15, 2024