Harvard Square Homeless Shelter (HSHS) is a dry shelter open from October 15 until April 15. HSHS is student-run and operates out of the basement of University Lutheran Church in Harvard Square. HSHS works to provide guests with shelter, food, security, and a supportive environment of mutual respect. HSHS serves 18 guests per night.
Reserving a Bed
Season-long beds
Lotteries for beds occur on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays as beds become available. To enter the waitlist, fill out the lottery form online or in-person at the door of the shelter. The waitlist will be refreshed on the first day of every month, so everyone must re-enter the waitlist each month. Winning lottery numbers will be posted on the door and will be available over the phone the morning of each lottery.
Meals (Guests receive breakfast and dinner. Blankets, basic toiletries, and food are available for guests as well as non-guests at the door)
Laundry (HSHS maintains a washer and dryer for guest use)
Computers (Three computers with internet connection and a printer are available for guests throughout their stay)
Referrals (If no beds are available at HSHS, staff will make referrals to other shelters upon request)
Case Management (The Resource Advocacy program provides case-management to guests to help them connect with social services in the Boston/Cambridge area)
Programming (Various partners including healthcare and music come into the space to assist guests)