Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline (BHHL)

Filed Under: Hotlines

The Behavioral Health Help Line connects callers to a broad range of treatment services for mental health and addiction support throughout the Commonwealth. The BHHL is designed to provide direction, promote prevention, treatment and access to resources in the community.

Callers can call or text 833-773-2445 and have a conversation with a live, clinically supervised specialist who can assess clinical needs and provide a warm hand off to the right place in real time. They can also use the chat feature on the website,, to talk with a representative. Call takers will offer support with immediate crisis intervention, urgent, and routine needs. The Help Line is available 24/7/365 in 200+ languages and is free for every resident. The BHHL is intended for everyone, regardless of age, cultural, sexual, or socio-economic status.


200+ languages, icluding ASL (see website)

While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information for the agency descriptions and hours of operation, it is recommended to call the agency to verify the information before visiting.

Last updated October 25, 2023