MassEdCO Education and Career Planning Center

Filed Under: Education
700 Boylston Street
Boston Public Library
Boston, ma 02116
Phone: 617-536-0200

With a fundamental belief in the importance of building equity, diversity and inclusion in postsecondary education for underrepresented students, they provide personalized guidance and encouragement to support Massachusetts high school students, parents, and adults pursuing education beyond high school.

While the services at the Center differ depending on individual needs, their advisor always help students:

  • Identify career options
  • Build and revise college and scholarship essays
  • Submit applications for college and career training programs
  • Apply for financial aid (FAFSA or CSS Profile)
  • Search for scholarships
  • Renew financial aid packages
  • Select a college that is a good match based on affordability and student fit

MassEdCO has advised many returning citizens in the past and is familiar with the kinds of assistance returning citizens may require in accessing higher education. MassEdCO provides help with completing college and financial aid applications and with career planning.

Interested in meeting with an advisor? Make an appointment by calling 617-536-0200 or complete their online intake form. 

Other Locations

All services are free

While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information for the agency descriptions and hours of operation, it is recommended to call the agency to verify the information before visiting.

Last updated December 13, 2021