Roxbury Youthworks, Inc.

Filed Under: Families, Education, Employment, Physical and Mental Health, Support Groups
841 Parker Street
Suites 104-106
Roxbury Crossing, ma 02120
Phone: 617-427-8095

Roxbury Youthworks, Inc.’s mission is to help youth caught in cycles of poverty, victimization and violence transition successfully into adulthood.


  • District Offices (DOs)
    • RYI has 4 programs across 7 sites in Metro Boston that include: The Community Service Network supports youth committed to the Department of Youth Services (DYS) as they transition from secure treatment facilities back to their home or an alternative placement. The RYI and DYS casework team are co-located in 4 District Offices located in Dorchester, Roxbury, Roslindale, and Chelsea. They work with youths until they “age out” of DYS or end their voluntary services, assisting them to complete their education, gain employment, receive behavioral/mental health and other services.
  • GIFT
    • Gaining Independence For Tomorrow (GIFT) provides prevention, intervention, support, stabilization and therapeutic services to young girls who are current victims, former victims, or at high risk of becoming victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE). Through intensive individual mentoring, weekly psychosocial support groups, enrichment activities and leadership opportunities, their Life Coaches aid the girls in their recovery from exploitation and/or work to prevent them from entering an exploitative relationship.
    • Being United In Leading our Destiny (BUILD) applies the successful model developed at GIFT, but exclusively serves cisgender males, transgender and gender-nonconforming youth who are victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation and/or sexual assault or are at high risk of becoming victims.
    • What makes GIFT and BUILD different from other programs serving this population is that they are open seven days a week.
  • Dimock Street Lead Agency
    • Through RYI’s Dimock Street Lead Agency in Roxbury they work with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to facilitate and monitor all contracted youth and family support and stabilization services so that children are not removed from their family or are reunited in a safe and timely manner.

RYI's staff is multi-cultural and multi-lingual reflecting the culture and language of the youth and families they serve.

While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information for the agency descriptions and hours of operation, it is recommended to call the agency to verify the information before visiting.

Last updated December 14, 2021